Dr. Tenholder will be speaking at 7pm at Bella Milano in O'Fallon, Illinois.
For more information, contact the St. Clair District Dental Society" at <stclairdistrictdental@gmail.com>.
These are dental devices which look very much like mouth guards. They are worn at night. They open the mouth by bringing the mandible forward. They are also called mandibular advancing devices (MAD) and mandibular repositioning devices (MRD), as they reposition the mandible forward relative to the maxilla (the upper jaw). There are several Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances that are FDA approved. Some are made of soft nylon plastic, others are made from a resin-like material. A few use computer aided design (CAD) and 3D imaging to fit the device to the mouth and teeth. They essentially work as an airway splint.
Kannan Ramar, MBBS, MD1; Leslie C. Dort, DDS2; Sheri G. Katz, DDS3; Christopher J. Lettieri, MD4;
Article link
The power of laser assisted neuromodulation can have a profound influence on sleep quality as well as the tissue of the soft palate.
Through the combination of carefully applied laser wavelengths and dental appliances designed to improve the neurological signal strength, RestOralase strives to connect your brain and body through the mouth. The neural circuits of the mouth act as a "switch" that can be either on or off as a reflection of either functional or dysfunctional neurological connections.
The combined therapies of warm, gentle laser light and sophisticated dental appliances can guide the development of the neural circuits that support the airway, sleep and tongue as well as the bite and body.
Dental expansion has a direct influence on the size of the mouth and makes for more attractive and functional smiles, but also increases the volume of airflow in the nose (nasopharynx) and the throat (oropharynx).
Dental appliance therapies can have both short term and long term benefits for addressing both the cause and effect of sleep disordered breathing.
Offering our patients access to oral myofunctional therapy improves not only our treatment outcomes, but increases the possibility that our patients will truly find sustainable solutions to their sleep disordered breathing condition.
Obstructive sleep apnea: focus on myofunctional therapy
Cláudia Maria de Felício,1,2 Franciele Voltarelli da Silva Dias,1,2 and Luciana Vitaliano Voi Trawitzki1,2
The present review showed that OMT is effective for the treatment of adults in reducing the severity of OSA and snoring, and improving the quality of life. OMT is also successful for the treatment of children with residual apnea. In addition, OMT favors the adherence to continuous positive airway pressure.
Effects of Oropharyngeal Exercises on Snoring: A Randomized Trial.
The ADA says dentists should be screening their patients for sleep apnea and should be the professionals who make oral appliances.
The Age of Airway Goes Mainstream
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Policy on Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Trigeminal, Visceral and Vestibular Inputs May Improve Cognitive Functions by Acting through the Locus Coeruleus and the Ascending Reticular Activating System: A New Hypothesis
Trigeminal Cardiac Reflex: New Thinking Model About the Definition Based on a Literature Review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4602726/
Trigeminal Cardiac Reflex and Cerebral Blood Flow Regulation
Treating the Phobic and Anxious Dental Patient:
Introduction to Havening Therapy
The Limbic System - Ronald A. Ruden, M.D, Ph.D.
Increased Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Children with Mild
Sleep-Disordered Breathing:
A Possible Association with Abnormal Neuropsychological Function
Not all sleep is equal when it comes to cleaning the brain
Spinal CSF flow in response to forced thoracic and abdominal respiration
Meaning of the Solid and Liquid Fascia to Reconsider the Model of Biotensegrity
A New Pain-sensitive Organ Has Been Discovered in Our Skin
Stretch force guides finger-like pattern of bone formation in suture
Etiology, clinical manifestations and concurrent findings in mouth-breathing children.
Adults with sensorimotor disorders: enhanced physiological and psychological development following specific sensorimotor training
With the GEMPro Sleep Wellness Monitor you can now...
With the GEMPro Sleep Wellness Monitor you can now...
GEMPro is not a medical diagnostic instrument.
Cardiopulmonary Coupling (CPC) is an FDA-cleared* technology to accurately and objectively measure sleep quality.
SleepImage® opens a window into your patients' overall health and wellness by looking at how their sleep quality and sleep pathology change over time.
Exceptional SpO2 Analysis
Many high resolution pulse oximeters capture data at one second intervals, but the SleepSat also has a SpO2 memory resolution of 0.1%. SatScreen capitalizes on the SleepSat's higher signal resolution to provide accurate, precise results relating to subtle and/or complex forms of sleep disordered breathing.
Exceptional SpO2 Analysis
Many high resolution pulse oximeters capture data at one second intervals, but the SleepSat also has a SpO2 memory resolution of 0.1%. SatScreen capitalizes on the SleepSat's higher signal resolution to provide accurate, precise results relating to subtle and/or complex forms of sleep disordered breathing.
Results in Minutes
Use the Patient Safety Connection Center application to download oximeter data to the computer and send it to the internet for analysis. Within minutes, you will receive a detailed statistical report in PDF format.
Secure Web Access
Use Patient Safety’s HIPAA-compliant web portal to access archived SatScreen reports from any computer with internet access.
SleepSat Compatibility
SatScreen is compatible with the SleepSat, a wristwatch-sized high resolution oximeter featuring advanced high capacity / high resolution memory. In addition to a 0.1% signal resolution and 1 second sampling intervals, the SleepSat can store up to 3 nights worth of hours of data without recharging or download, and features a rechargeable battery (micro USB).
To learn more about ALF Therapy, please use the following link
To find out more about Dr. Angie Tenholder's office, we welcome you to check out our website
To fnd out more about Havening Therapies and Training
To locate a provider that is Board Certified in Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine, use the following link
To locate a provider that is committed to treating patients with Craniofacial Pain, you can find the AACP directory by using the following link